Wednesday, May 27, 2009

This must be a joke.

Society on a whole is on the out & out, and Kanye West is the pied piper for the all too near apocalypse. Evidence one? The following video.

The eighties were possibly the most horrendous in American history (let's just stick to culture-wise for now). The fashion consisted of gold lame, bad geometry and hiliters gone awfully wrong. Hip-hop has been dead for quite some time, save the occasional decent underground emergence. Kanye West is a prime example of our modern atrocity. To consider this music, let alone "rap", is a travesty of sound. His rhymes consist of meaningless repetition, his voice manipulated and dubbed over by a computer program. The beats could have easily been ripped from Drew's Dance Party Mix!, a 99 cent bastardization of club hits. Please, music industry, cease with this prank and release us from this eardrum trauma.

Street Art

Born in Spain, "Sir X" is a graffiti artist with a 1984-esque thematic scheme, his stencils often done in B&W with an alarming pop. Like most artists, his social and cultural commentary casts a weary eye on today's corrupt modern world.


save newspapers (even if it means just collecting them)

acknowledge abandoned houses (live for free)

street art saves (vive la revolution)

protest the onslaught of technology (killing our society & culture)

Thursday, May 14, 2009